Osmond Technologies, L.L.C.

Is Home Computer Mainteance Really That Big of a Deal?


Many people treat their home computers much like they treat their televisions. After plugging them in and connecting to the Internet, they rarely think about maintenance. In fact, maintaining a computer should be at the top of the list. Here are some of the reasons why having a professional check the system and provide maintenance support really is a big deal.

Moving Parts Can Stick

When the typical home user things about parts sticking, the first thing that comes to mind is the keys on the keyboard. While a simple cleaning will help with that, what about moving parts inside the computer proper? If one of those components is not able to move as it should, problems could mount quickly.

Consider what happens when the system fan stops turning. The purpose of that fan is to keep the rest of the components at an acceptable temperature. If dust has clogged the fan and it no longer turns, the heat inside the computer casing can increase dramatically. The result can be some of the other components are adversely affected by the heat.

Thanks to the lack of computer maintenance, there are now several parts that must be replaced. If the owner has arranged for a professional to check the unit and clean the fan, those repairs would not be necessary and the owner wouldn’t have to spend a lot of money to get the system running again.

Protecting the Hard Drive

Regular pc maintenance has a positive impact on the hard drive. Along with checking the condition of the drive, there’s the matter of getting rid of any junk files taking up space and clearing the system of bloatware. Many people don’t realize how tracking software can be picked up just by visiting different sites. Those programs run in the background and use resources. Even if they are found and deleted, there may still be some related files tucked away somewhere on the drive. The only way to truly make sure it’s clean is to have a professional run diagnostics and remove whatever is of no use.

Why would my computer need maintenance? The answer is a simple one. Computers aren’t cheap and owners want to get as many years of reliable use as possible. Invest in some professional maintenance and the system will run more efficiently, last longer, and always be ready for use.

Website Hosting Impacts Your Site’s Performance and Ranking


A website’s success depends on a variety of factors. While most everyone has heard a great deal about search engine optimization, or SEO, not everyone is quite as aware of the impact Website Hosting has on the site and, consequently, their bottom lines. Before selecting a hosting service, site owners are encouraged to explore their options carefully.

Cost Isn’t Everything

Every business owner budgets carefully to make sure all their bases are covered financially, so cost is a consideration when selecting a hosting provider. However, selecting a provider based only on cost can be a mistake. Every service is somewhat unique, suggesting asking a few questions prior to making a selection is simply good business. Security should always be a top consideration when selecting a web hosting service. Given the proficiency of today’s hackers, it’s important to use a service that takes every precaution to prevent security issues at the server level.

Speed is Crucial

Search engines like Google rank sites using several criteria. One of the elements is how fast the site loads. When site visitors are forced to wait for the page to load, they tend to migrate to a competitor’s site. That’s not good for the user, Google, and it certainly isn’t good for the site’s owner. Downtime is another factor to consider when selecting a hosting service. While the majority of hosting services are reliable, not all provide the level of service clients expect. It’s always a good idea to check the service’s history to determine if downtime or slow load times are issues.

Google Cares Where the Host Server Is

Google is far and away the nation’s top search engine, so paying attention to their ranking tools makes sense. Although their algorithms are constantly evolving, it appears that Google cares about the physical location of your hosting server. Avoiding distant, and especially foreign-based, services is strongly advised, as a site’s Google ranking will suffer if the server is too remote. Of course, the reputation of the host server is also an important factor to consider.

There are a number of high-quality hosts providing services today, so the decision generally boils down to the level of service provided. If a host service takes steps to enhance security and provides the speed necessary to appease Google, they’re worth taking a closer look at.

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